Commercial Auto - Customer Testimonials

Affordable rates. Extraordinary service. These are just a couple of reasons why we believe that Kemper is the best company to insure your business vehicles. But don’t just take our word for it. Find out why these successful business owners think that Kemper is the best commercial auto insurance company to partner with when it comes to protecting their business.

Freedom Fresh, Food Distribution

"We have to make sure that we have the right insurance." - Walter Vazquez, Sr.

How do you come up with a good name for a business? For Freedom Fresh, it was simple. Watch how one man's journey to the US led to his love of freedom and fresh produce. With the help of the right business partners, he has turned a small family business into a successful food distribution company. And Kemper is with him every step of the journey.

Lucas David, Landscape Design

"It's important to have a partner who understands your business." - David L. Britez

One man's love of gardening paved the way for grandson's successful landscaping company. Now the owner is passing on the family legacy and growing a landscaping business that his future generations will be proud of.

Vico Painting

"We currently have all the vehicles insured with Kemper." - Raúl Ivanez

Success stories come in all shapes and sizes. This one comes with a paint brush and a commitment to be the best. Follow Vico Painting's journey from humble beginnings to one of their state's most reputable paint contracting companies.

Mesa Electric

"Kemper gave me the best price in the market." - Carlos Mesa

The bond between father and son is powerful. Learn how this son follows his father's footsteps and builds a successful electric engineering company.